Download Zed!

Compare the features of ZEDFREE, ZEDPRO and ZED! in order to download the version that best meets your needs.




The only reader for opening the .zed files you receive.



39.90€ ex VAT

NOT CERTIFIED nor QUALIFIED. Buy online this version to create and exchange sensitive files.



Large Account Only

This version is for large companies and includes access to technical support

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Common Criteria EAL3+ Certification (2)
_ _ Yes
ANSSI Standard Level Qualification (2)
- - Yes
Full NATO evaluation and approved by the Council of the European Union
- - Yes
API Toolkit (3)
Modifying files directly from the container (1)
Secure Password Wallet (1)
Size limits of Zed! encrypted containers
200 MB none none
Encryption algorithm
AES 128 AES 256 AES 256
Number of granted users to encrypted containers
2 maximum unlimited unlimited
Max. number of files contained in a .zed
200 unlimited unlimited
Perpetual License
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Role management according to user type (normal, administrator, etc.)
Yes Yes Yes
Configuration files
Yes Yes
Multi-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) Windows 8 Certified and Compatible for Windows 10
Yes Yes Yes
Multilingual: 12 languages available
Yes Yes Yes
CSP access with no physical device (Windows only)
Yes Yes Yes
Access with a physical device (smart card, token, etc.)
Yes Yes Yes
Customisation of Zed! container background image with a watermark
Yes Yes
PRIM’X Support Assistance
Yes Yes
Support for 64 bit architectures
Yes Yes Yes
Access to Zed! containers by password and/or key file
Yes Yes Yes